What bait on Madai?


Madai fishing is a very exciting activity. This is the type of lure to use if you are looking to catch sparids. In addition to the different techniques to be used, it should also be noted that the choice of bait to be used is crucial. All about madai bait.

The madai in brief

The madai jig is a lure that originated in Japan. This lure is used for vertical sea fishing with madai jig. It is used for vertical fishing from a boat. There are several varieties of madai jig, but the vast majority of madai jigs are realistic imitations of cephalopods such as octopus and squid.

The madai is formed by a head and a skirt made of a flexible filament that has the characteristic of waving a little in the water. Generally speaking, this lure is quite brightly coloured, like orange, red and yellow. The lure itself is already very attractive for sparids. However, to give you the best chance, you can also use baits with it.

The madai has two hooks well hidden in its more or less voluminous skirt. These assist hooks are designed to be sucked in when the fish attacks. Attaching baits to the hooks adds even more effectiveness to your lure.

Worms as a bait to use with madai jig

If you are used to fishing with worms as bait, you should know that in combination with madai, the worm is particularly effective. However, it is highly recommended to use only the strongest worms as bait. The fact is that the worms have to withstand the animation of the lure. You will also notice that it is easier to bait the fleshiest worms. Moreover, these worms will be more able to resist small fish that are not the object of your fishing.

Cephalopods as bait for madai

Sparids love cephalopods. This is why the madai isdesigned to imitate the appearance of these marine animals. To make the lure look more real, you can opt to use a fresh squid. Fresh squid has an odour that is easily detected by sparids. But in addition, the colour of the squid makes it detectable from a great distance.

For use, the squid must be cut into small strips. Then it should be pricked twice on the hooks so that it forms a kind of small wave. In the same way, it is also possible to use the tentacles of cephalopods as bait. You can attach them in the same way as you would attach worms to hooks.

Using prawns as bait

If you want to be sure of catching fish with your madai, you can also use prawns as bait. Note, however, that the flesh of prawns is particularly fragile. To avoid this problem, it is advisable to protect the bait by wrapping it with thin wire. As with the worm, this will ensure that the bait is able to withstand small fish and animation.

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